Check Valves
Cross Section
Cavity Details
Technical Features
SAE08 Cartridge - 420 bar
Direct acting - Ball type
CVH0.S08 Valve Series
A screw-in, cartridge style, direct
acting, ball type check valve. Main use
is as a blocking or load-holding device.
The CVH0.S08 allows flow passage
from port 1 to 2: the cartridge has a ful-
ly guided check which is spring-biased
closed until sufcient pressure is ap-
plied at port 1 to open to 2. The flow is
blocked in the opposite direction (2 to 1).
All external surfaces are zinc pla-
ted and corrosion-proof. All valve par-
ts are made of high strength steel.
Compact size.
Industry common cavity.
Specications may change without notice.
Performance Details
Flow (l/min)
Pressure (bar)
Ordering Code
Technical Data
Maximum operating pressure 420 bar
Maximum flow 50 l/min
Cracking pressure See table below
Maximum Internal Leakage
0,10 cm
/ min @ 10 bar
0,10 cm
/ min @ 420 bar
External component treatment
Zn/Fe - standard (96h)
Zn/Ni (720h)
O-ring Temperature Range -30° C to 110° C (standard sealing NBR - BUNA-N)
Oil Temperature Range -30° C to 110° C
Fluids Mineral - based or synthetics with lubricating properties
Viscosities 7,4 to 420 cSt
Filtration 20/18/15 ISO 4406 (maximum ltration admitted)
Orientation No restrictions
Installation torque 40-45 Nm
Technical Specications for characterization see page 480
Oil testing condition ISO VG 46 cSt
Seal kit code SK.030
Weight 0,055 kg
Note: The performance
chart illustrates flow han-
dling capacity. p/Q curves
are recorded at TOil = 40°C
and 46 cSt